Tournament of Olympic Expectations for seniors
and test before European Championships for juniors
1. Date: September 7-9,2OO7 year
2. Organizer:
00–707 Warszawa ul. Ku Wiśle 7 Tel. 0 22 840 45 57 mobile +48 515 068 678 Fax. 0 22 891 13 25 email:
3. Place: J. Kusociński Hall Academy of Physical Education,
Marymoncka Street 34, Warsaw.
4. Tournament Office: at the event spot
September 7, 3.00 p.m. - 8.00 p.m.
5. Competitions rules:
Teams and contestants must hold license recognized by their own national federation.
Participants must have a valid medical confirmation and grades according to the ETU
6. Events:
Seniors age 17 and older (year 1990 and older) min. 2 geup
Juniors age 14 - 17 (year 1993 – 1990) min. 4 geup
Saturday 08.09
Seniors F - 49 kg, -67 kg
M - 58 kg, -80 kg
Juniors F 42 kg, -46 kg, -52 kg, -59 kg, -68 kg, +68 kg
M - 45 kg, -51 kg, -59 kg, -68 kg, -78 kg, +78 kg
Sunday 09.09
Seniors F - 57 kg, +67 kg
M - 68 kg, +80 kg
Juniors F - 44 kg, -49 kg, -55 kg, -63 kg
M - 48 kg, -55 kg, -63 kg, -73 kg
7. Awards: juniors and seniors
medals for places 1-3, participant’s certificates for all contestants, award for the best contestant, team classification places 1-5, gifts.
8. Team Classification:
Separately for juniors and seniors: 1 place. - 5 points, 2 place. - 3 points, 3 place. - 1 points
9. Accommodation:
Hotel “ATOS” and “ARAMIS”
Room’s standard A
70 Euro - double room/per night – including breakfasts and lunches
75 Euro - triple room/per night - including breakfasts and lunches
Room’s standard B
40 Euro - double room/per night - including breakfasts and lunches
Reservation form must be ordered directly through the Organizer’s Office together with application form. The other reservations can be book on your own.
10. Food:
Breakfast - in hotel
Lunch - in the sport-hall
Supper - on your own.
11. Fees:
entry fee 20 Euro/contestant
12. Entry:
Preliminary registration
Official registration can be made only after get login and password form Organizer.
Deadline: 18-08-2007
13. Referee:
All referees will be contacted and invited by the Polish Taekwondo Federation, if you want to bring a referee, please let us know in advance.
14. Other:
Teams are obliged to insure their contestants. The organizer does not take the responsibility for any accidents and the consequences of not having said insurance. According to Polish Taekwondo Federation and ETU regulations the organizer has the right to change given categories depending on actual calls.
15. Timetable:
Friday September 7
3.00 pm - 8.00 pm Registration and weight at the competition office (all categories)
Saturday September 8
9.00am Qualification and semi final fights senior/junior
6.00pm Opening ceremony, finals, shows
Sunday September 9
9.00am – 6.00pm Qualification and semi final fights senior/junior ,finals